Ajinomoto (2802) announced its Results for FY2016 with a decrease both in net sales and operating income.
The main reasons were the pharmaceutical business being turned in an equity method affiliate, the weak performance in animal nutrition, and the impact from the foreign exchange transactions.
▼FY2016 Results(J-GAAP)
Revenue decreased (-92.6), profit decreased (-5.5)
Decrease in profit attributable to owners of parent(-10.8)
▼FY2017 Forecast(IFRS)
Assumed exchange rate is the same as FY16 actual: $1 = ¥108.3
Aim for growth of net sales (8%) and business profit (5%)
▼GROW: Growth Driver Advancement
▽Food Business
Ensure Growth with Stronger Regional Portfolio
Maintain well-balanced portfolio covering between Developed and Emerging Countries
▽AminoScience Business
Expand Business Portfolio
Accelerate Growth of Advanced Biopharmaceuticals Business
▼FIT: Further Business Structure Reform
▽Animal Nutrition
Fundamental Shift from Commodities and Proceed with Transition to Specialties
▼Reinforcement of Management Foundation
Management Innovation: Accelerating “Reform of Working Practices”
Accelerate “reform of working practices,” achieve “career diversity,” and improve “engagement” for every employee
▼FY2017 Financial Strategy
Based on the policies of the 2017-2019 MTP, Generate cash flow, invest for growth and provide stable shareholder returns
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