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■Consolidated Results for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2016
Net Sales & Operating Income by business Segment
Non-operating income ~ Net income
External Environment, Summary of Balance Sheets, Cash Flows
Information by Business Segment Japan Food Products
Information by Business Segment International Food Products
Information by Business Segment Life Support
Information by Business Segment Healthcare
Information by Business Segment Other Business
Net Sales by Business & Geographical Area
Operating Income by Business & Geographical Area
FY2015 Trends in International Food Products (Seasonings & Processed Foods)
<Reference> FY2015 Trends in International Food Products (Seasonings & Processed Foods and Frozen Foods)
■Forecast for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2017 (FY2016) and Outlook
I. Overview of FY2016 Forecast
FY2016 Forecast
Factors in Changes in FY2016 Operating Income Forecast
FY2016 Forecast by Segment
FY2016 Forecast - Ordinary Income and Net Income
Targeted Composition of Operating Income
Share of Specialty Products in Operating Income FY2013~FY2016
Roadmap to a Genuine Global Specialty Company
II. GROW: Accelerate Growth Momentum
(1) Growth Drivers: International Seasonings and Processed Foods
(1)-1. ①Create country/area pillars to follow Japan with rapid growth in the “Five Stars” countries.
(1)-1. ②Create country/area pillars to follow Japan with rapid growth in the “Five Stars” countries.
(1)-2. Accelerate building a foundation for rapid growth with “expansion to adjacent areas”
(2)-1. ① Stable Growth Businesses: Japan Food Products - Consumer Trends (Changes in Household Composition)
(2)-1. ① Stable Growth Businesses: Japan Food Products - Consumer Trends (Changes in Food Needs)
(2)-2. ① Growth in the Restaurant and Institutional-Use Market: Expansion mainly in home meal replacement (HMR)
(2)-2. ② Growth of HMR: Expansion of the B2B2C Business
(2)-3. ① Improving Nutrition with Proteins and Amino Acids
(2)-3. ② Improving Nutrition with Proteins and Amino Acids
Reference: Strengthening the “Amino Acids Inside” Strategy for Foods
(3) Business Strengthening: Initiatives for Amino Acids for Pharmaceuticals and Foods
(4)-1. Ajinomoto Windsor, Inc.: Strengthening the Frozen Food Products Business in North America
(4)-1. ① Ajinomoto Windsor, Inc.: Initiatives in the Frozen Foods Business in North America - Growth Strategies
Reference: Ajinomoto Windsor Inc.’s Customer Base and Main Products
(4)-1. ② Ajinomoto Windsor, Inc.: Initiatives in the Frozen Foods Business in North America - Generate Synergy
(4)-2. Ajinomoto General Foods, Inc. (AGF): Expand the Scale of Japan Food Products
(4)-2. ① Ajinomoto General Foods, Inc. (AGF): Initiatives in the Coffee Business
Reference: Dry Coffee Market
(4)-2. ② Accelerating Synergy with Ajinomoto General Foods, Inc. (AGF)
III. FIT: Further Business Structure Reinforcement
(1)-1. Shift to Specialty Products in Bulk Commodities Business: Reducing Dependence on Bulk Products
(1)-2. Shift to Specialty Products in Bulk Commodities Business: Initiatives to Promote Specialty in the Animal Nutrition Business
(2) Resource-Saving Fermentation Technologies (R&D Leadership): Cost reductions of ¥3.0 billion achieved in FY2015, ¥1.0 billion planned in FY2016
(3)-1. Structural Reinforcement of Businesses with Issues: Pharmaceuticals Business
(3)-2. Structural Reinforcement of Businesses with Issues: Pharmaceuticals Business
IV. Evolution of the Management Foundation
Three Linked Areas of Reform
Reference: Establish a Global Corporate Department (April 2016)
Newly Strengthen Foundation (Reform of Working Practices)
Toward the Formulation of the FY2017-2019 Medium-Term Management Plan
V. FY2016 Financial Strategy
Investments for Growth and Shareholder Returns
Share Repurchase