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■Consolidated Results for the Interim Period Ended September 30, 2016
Summary of Statement of Income(1)
Summary of Statement of Income(2)
Summary of Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement
Consolidated Results by Segments
Results by Business & Geographical Area
■Forecast for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2017 (FY2016)
I. Overview of FY2016 Forecast
FY2016 Revised Forecast
FY2016 Revised Forecast: Factors in Changes in Operating Income Compared with Initial Forecast
FY2016 Revised Forecast: Factors in Changes in Operating Income Compared with FY2015 Results
FY2016 1H & 2H Projected Operating Income: Factors in Changes in Operating Income Compared with FY2015 Results
FY2016 Revised Forecast by Segment
FY2016 Revised Forecast - Ordinary Income and Profit for the Period
Targeted Composition of Operating Income
Roadmap to a Genuine Global Specialty Company
II. GROW: Accelerate Growth Momentum
(1)-1. ①Create country/area pillars to follow Japan with rapid growth in the “Five Stars” countries.
(1)-2. Conditions in Thailand, Our Largest Overseas Base
(1)-3. Ajinomoto Windsor, Inc.: Initiatives in the Frozen Foods Business in North America
(2)-1. Market Environment and Outlook for Japan Frozen Food Products
(2)-2. Ajinomoto General Foods, Inc. (AGF): Initiatives in the Coffee Business
(3) Business Strengthening: Health Support with Amino Acids
(4)-1. Topics: Progress in Business Alliance with T.HASEGAWA CO., LTD.
(4)-2. Topics: Strengthening Business Foundation in Africa
III. FIT: Further Reinforcement of Business Structure
Shift to Specialty Products in Animal Nutrition Business
IV. FY2016 Financial Strategy
FY2016 Financial Strategy
V. Next Medium-Term Management Plan
Toward the Formulation of the FY2017-2019 Medium-Term Management Plan
■Introduction of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
1. Introduction of IFRS
2. Main impact of IFRS adoption (estimated)
3. Revisedforecastforthe FY2016 by Business Segment