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Forecast for FY2017 (Ending March 31, 2018) with Outlook
■Ⅰ.Financial Statements for the Interim Period Ended September 30, 2017 and FY2017 Forecast
Financial Statements for the Interim Period Ended September 30, 2017
FY2017 Forecast
FY2017 Assumed Exchange Rate and Exchange Rate Sensitivity
Factors Influencing FY2017 Business Profit (YoY)
FY2017 Forecast
■Ⅱ.Initiatives for Achieving the FY2017?2019 Medium-Term Management Plan
Forecast by Segment
International Consumer Foods
International Consumer Foods: Thailand
International Consumer Foods: North America
Animal Nutrition
Initiatives to Build a New Foundation for Growth
First Entry into U.S. Medical Foods* Market
Restructuring Production in Japan
Enhancing Our Corporate Brand
Non-financial (ESG) Initiatives
Roadmap to a "Genuine Global Specialty Company"
■Ⅲ.FY2017 Financial Strategy
FY2017 Financial Strategy