8/22 - Eliminated Unrealized Losses in the Portfolio
・This material main contain forward-looking statements regarding results, plans, managerial targets and strategies. These forward-looking statements are based on current assumptions and preconditions for future events and trends of business circumstances, which are
not necessarily correct. Actual results may vary widely from such statements according to various factors
・This material is prepared subject to the accounting principles generally accepted in Japan, unless otherwise stated
・This material is about analyses of financial results of MCUBS MidCity Investment Corporation (the “Investment Corporation”), and is not prepared for the purpose of inducement or invitation for any acquisition of investment securities of the Investment Corporation nor any
execution of other financial transaction contracts. Investment decisions are to be made at investors’ sole discretion and responsibility
・The Investment Corporation is a publicly-offered real estate investment corporation (J-REIT) investing in real estate and related assets the prices of which may fluctuate. Unitholders of the Investment Corporation may suffer loss when unit prices decline in the market or
an amount of distributions declines, according to economic and interest rate circumstances, a balance of supply and demand for units, real estate market environment, fluctuations of prices of, and rent revenues from real estate properties under management, disasters,
aggravation of financial status of the Investment Corporation and other reasons. For detail, please see “Investment Risk” stated in the Securities Registration Statement (offering circular) and the Securities Report of the Investment Corporation.
Asset Management Company: MCUBS MidCity Inc.
(Certified Financial Instruments Business Operator: Director of Kanto Local Financial Bureau (Kinsho) Registration No. 2888, and Member of The Investment Trusts Association, Japan)