5/33 - Accelerating Growth and Efficiency through Reorganization by Function


・ Please refer to page 3. ・ Reorganization by function is based on an unprecedented business model that was made possible by last year’s enforcement of the revised Insurance Business Act, which set out policy transfer and insurance solicitation recommissioning revisions, which the insurance industry had called for. ・ The reorganization by function is the way to enable us to always pay attention to market needs, take steps with decisiveness and speed, take advantage of our strengths, and improve efficiency. ・ We could say that our diversity, one of our strengths, is the expertise that matches market needs in a range of fields. ・ I would like you to understand that the Group’s strategy is not to improve efficiency at the expense of the strengths of our diversified entities but to thoroughly improve efficiency where we can, while maximizing synergies among diversified entities. ・ Under this concept, in reorganization by function, we clearly distinguish the part where our two core non-life insurance companies and our life insurance company will display their strengths, the part where they will leverage their synergies, and the part where they will pursue efficiency. ・ For example, in the part where they will display their strengths, we are consolidating operations in our domestic “motor channels” to make use of ADI’s strengths. In the marine field, including hull insurance and cargo insurance, we will secure and maintain the position of one of the world’s leading insurance companies by making better use of MSI’s strengths. In the Overseas Business, MSI and ADI will develop their respective strengths. MSI will develop operations in a comprehensive manner, while ADI will focus on the Toyota retail business. ・ In the part where they will “leverage synergies,” the expertise of ADI, which has achieved high profitability in voluntary automobile insurance, has proven useful at MSI. In “role innovation” at MSI, each employee has started to work harder to achieve their roles at higher levels, and productivity has improved. ADI has started a similar initiative. ・ The part where efficiency is pursued includes system integration, which was completed in the previous fiscal year. The system integration and joint use of bases, among other initiatives, are contributing to reductions in operating expenses. ・ Of course, there are still a number of fields where the Group should reduce operating expenses. We will continue with quick, relentless, and bold cost cutting. ・ Concrete efforts for reorganization by function will evolve as needed in response to changes in the environment.