16/26 - Domestic Passenger Operations

◎This shows the status of our Domestic Passenger Operations. ◎The figures on the left show an analysis of the factors for the 7.7 billion yen increase in first half revenues. ◎Passenger number factors resulted in a 15.5 billion yen increase in revenues due to the aggressive marketing of “Tabiwari” promotional fares as a strategy to address low-demand flights under the firm trend in overall demand. ◎On the other hand, unit price factors resulted in a 8.0 billion yen decline in revenues due to changes in our passenger class mix, among other factors. ◎As you can confirm from the graph on the right and on page 17, we have steadily increased load factor through the optimization of supply to demand. This increased to 71.5% during the second quarter and was at 68.2% for the first half, both figures representing record highs for the respective periods. ◎Please turn to page 20.