21/22 Strategy for Aerospace Business


Next, I will discuss the Aerospace Company. In the previous fiscal year, we completed withdrawal from the industrial products business and SUBARU became a company focused on two businesses: automotive and aerospace. We are at the stage of enhancing the aerospace business as a SUBARU brand. However, as you know, aerospace is a business with very long timescales. For this reason, the situation in 2025 has already been determined to some extent, and we do not anticipate dramatic change or evolution. As shown here, we will continue efforts aimed at shifting from self-sustainability to stable growth while also pressing ahead with technology verification with a view to the next generation and moving forward with our partnering strategy. Although we have talked about collaboration between the automotive and aerospace businesses, in fact we haven’t made much progress in achieving this. We want to implement initiatives to generate new synergies by, as a first step, using one’s strengths to compensate for the other’s weaknesses.