3/22 Development of New Mid-Term Management Vision-Progress on “Prominence 2020” initiatives-


Next, I will summarize the state of progress with initiatives in Prominence 2020, the previous mid-term management vision. Prominence 2020 set out four goals: No.1 for customer trust; Strong brand; Industry-leading high profitability; and Vehicle sales of 1.2 million-plus units. With regard to No.1 for customer trust and Strong brand, we recognize that we have lost the trust of customers and society due to recent quality problems and issues stemming from the corporate culture. Although we have given ourselves a mark of satisfactory for Industry-leading high profitability, in fact profitability is trending down due to changes in the sales environment and deteriorating cost structures. To summarize the takeaways from this self-assessment, we are still half-way to achieving the management vision and, from a quantity and quality perspective, we recognize that many qualitative issues remain.